13 research outputs found

    The assessment and planning of bicycle paths surrounding the bridge in Taipei, Taiwan

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    近年來台灣一股自行車風行之熱潮,各縣市政府逐漸重視自行車行車空間,紛紛廣設自行車道,然而目前自行車道連續部分,如橋樑之處理,因受限於橋面上可用空間而確實較少進行研究與探討。就台北市內現有自行車道中,僅規劃幾處自橋面通過,但多數區內橋樑扮演民眾通勤與通學之運輸功能,故有規劃開放自行車旅次使用之必要性。另一方面,台北市區中多數橋樑跨越河川,具有坡度,往往讓自行車騎乘者感到不便,也不適宜規劃與其他車種共道而產生衝突之疑慮,且橋樑與河岸周邊多具有通勤型與休憩型自行車道整合問題,在考量自行車事故安全與使用連續性的情況,本研究將探討上述兩議題,規劃與設計橋面上自行車道設置以及相關自行車牽引道,以滿足當地之自行車道系統使用與連續之需求與功能。本研究以台北市承德橋為例,此橋樑具有坡度且坡道長,自行車騎乘不易,騎乘者常在機慢車道或右轉車道上牽引車行走,故目前常有自行車與其他機車於機慢車道上發生事故。再者基隆河兩岸河濱自行車路線未銜接,且下橋處三所學校學生有自行車通行之需求,故承德橋自行車道規劃勢必需將運輸型及休憩型自行車道路線作一整合之工作,在此應有一套系統之流程,合理評估與規劃橋樑周邊自行車道與牽引道之實際佈設形式,以達到自行車系統完整性之設計。 因此,本研究將透過系統化流程分析方式,探討自行車騎士騎乘於橋面上之能力,分析之項目涵蓋負二項肇事分析、交通工程、道路幾何特性、駕駛行為、行駛特性等,並且設計一套自行車道連續之系統評估與規劃流程,冀望找出市區橋樑周邊自行車道與牽引道最佳之佈設方式,以改善目前自行車騎乘安全及便利性,進而提供交通及警察相關單位作為改善橋樑周邊自行車易肇事地點安全或評估橋樑交通管理措施可行性之參

    Integrating spatial and temporal approaches for explaining bicycle crashes in high-risk areas in Antwerp (Belgium)

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    The majority of bicycle crash studies aim at determining risk factors and estimating crash risks by employing statistics. Accordingly, the goal of this paper is to evaluate bicycle-motor vehicle crashes by using spatial and temporal approaches to statistical data. The spatial approach (a weighted kernel density estimation approach) preliminarily estimates crash risks at the macro level, thereby avoiding the expensive work of collecting traffic counts; meanwhile, the temporal approach (negative binomial regression approach) focuses on crash data that occurred on urban arterials and includes traffic exposure at the micro level. The crash risk and risk factors of arterial roads associated with bicycle facilities and road environments were assessed using a database built from field surveys and five government agencies. This study analysed 4120 geocoded bicycle crashes in the city of Antwerp (CA, Belgium). The data sets covered five years (2014 to 2018), including all bicycle-motorized vehicle (BMV) crashes from police reports. Urban arterials were highlighted as high-risk areas through the spatial approach. This was as expected given that, due to heavy traffic and limited road space, bicycle facilities on arterial roads face many design problems. Through spatial and temporal approaches, the environmental characteristics of bicycle crashes on arterial roads were analysed at the micro level. Finally, this paper provides an insight that can be used by both the geography and transport fields to improve cycling safety on urban arterial roads

    Integrating spatial and temporal approaches for assessing bicycle collision risks

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    Developing a risk model to explore factors affecting the occurrence of bicycle accidents

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    為了掌握自行車騎乘市區道路未來的安全狀況,透過有效的控制各種影響因素,減少交通事故,增進自行車行駛於道路的安全性,依據路口與路段劃分以及相關影響因素分析的基礎上,利用實地調查與收集全台北市近3年自行車肇事數據,建立了廣義線性迴歸的事故預測模式,透過比較卜瓦松、負二項兩種風險分布模式回歸之結果、最後確定了負二項分布自行事故預測模式,分為事故次頻與事故嚴重度兩模式,以最大概似法校估均達顯著水準0.01,校估結果顯示天橋、機車專用道、車流分向處、車道數、路口面積與尖峰時段,對事故次頻與嚴重度有顯著相關之影響;特別式圓環、禁止超車處、禁止變換車道處、阻隔式導引分向設施、有標記之車道線、和分隔島寬度涉及較高之事故次頻;而照明程度、市區道路、速限、自行車穿越設施之路口、大量汽機車混合之交通環境、路緣高度、視距阻礙程度、無號誌路口及分向設施影響了自行車肇事之嚴重度。最後,並提出自行車肇事防制對策可供做未來改善自行車交通安全的參考。For protecting the safety of cyclist driving on urban roads, there are efficient ways to reduce the number of relevant bicycle accidents by control all of the fatal or influent factors. To enhance the cyclist’ safety, this research has analyzed there years of field bicycles accident data in Taipei City according to categories of occurring on segment or junction and to build up a set of linear-regression bicycle accident evaluation model. This model had compared the Poisson to Negative-Binominal Risk distribution and found the Negative-binomial distribution has the better ability to forecast bicycle accidents. The model based on two indexes—accident frequency and accident severity and all of two indexes reveal level of significance great than 0.01. All significant factors includes road facilities and traffic situation, such as overpass, exclusive motorcycle lane, traffic diverse location, lanes of road, square measure of intersection, peak hour duration. One most significant items represented on accident frequency are roundabout, place of prohibiting overtaking and lane-changing, marked lane, width of isolated land. The other most important ones for accident severity include level of illumination, urban road, speed limit intersection include bicycle pass-through facilities, high mixture ratio of traffic stream, height of curb, level of barrier on sight distance, etc. Finally, in terms of the factors’ outcome of discussion, the paper makes some suggestions providing for traffic managers or traffic engineers about how to make relevant strategies to improve the cyclist’ safety

    Evaluating bicycle-motorized vehicle accident risks in Antwerp, Belgium

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    Increased cycling has led to a surge in bicycle-motorized vehicle accidents and casualties in re-cent years. Many countries have started programmes to prevent or reduce bicycle collisions. This research has been conducted in Antwerp, Belgium, where 24% of the inhabitants daily use bicycles. From 2008 to 2013, 4120 bicycle collisions and related events with injuries oc-curred. This paper aims at evaluating the bicycle collision risk and at identifying the influence of road infrastructure on cycling safety in Antwerp, Belgium. Both spatial negative binomial and Pois-son modelling (spatial GIS combined with temporal modelling) approaches are proposed using 32 contributory variables. These risk factors are related to traffic exposure, geometric design, road environment and traffic control facilities. Results show that a lower risk is related to nightly traffic, road segments, urban main roads, bi-directional roads with a single cycle path on each direction, bi-directional cycle paths with medians or parked vehicles, proximity to bus stops, signalized intersections, main cycling routes, and one-way roads, while a higher risk is associated with increased injury severity, increased traffic volume, residential access roads, secondary roads, bi-directional cycle paths, roads without lighting, the off-peak time, and speed limits. In addition, zone 30 policies do not have an effective influence on reducing the risk. Hence, spatial and temporal mapping of accident risks provides planners and governments with guidelines for renewing the cycling infrastructure and for amending traffic rules

    The evaluation of bicycle paths on bridges

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    Bicycle accidents have increasingly caused casualties and property damage. Many countries have therefore started to pay more attention to designing the space of bicycle paths. However, few studies have focused on the design of bicycle continuity between each bicycle path. In this study, the concept of using both spatial crash probability (P) and crash severity index (CSI) is introduced to address the bicycle safety issue on bridges in Central Business Districts (CBDs). Bicycle paths on bridges usually face design difficulties due to limited space, different altitudes and the amount of traffic volume. Therefore, a systematic process should be established to evaluate and implement cycling space on bridges. The characteristic of bicycle-motorized vehicle collisions (BMV), traffic engineering, road environment and driving behaviour are analysed through spatial negative binomial modelling (NB). It is the aim to give recommendations to city planners and governments concerning the enhancement of bicycle safety and riding continuity on bridges

    Integrated Pest Management for Major Insect Pests of Mango Production in Taiwan

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    我國芒果抽梢期至小果期的重要害蟎與害蟲,包括芒果葉蟎 (Oligonychus mangiferus (Rahman & Sapra, 1940))、芒果褐葉蟬 (Idioscopus nitidulus (Walker, 1870))、芒果綠葉蟬 (I. clypealis (Lethierry, 1889))、二點小綠葉蟬 (Amrasca biguttula (Ishida, 1913)) 與小黃薊馬 (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, 1919);為害抽梢之後的葉部重要害蟲,另有芒果木蝨 (Microceropsylla nigra (Crawford, 1919)) 與芒果癭蚊 (Procontarinia mangicola (Shi, 1980));為害枝梢的重要害蟲,則為芒果蛀莖夜蛾 (Chlumetia transversa (Walker, 1863));東方果實蠅 (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel, 1912)) 則為果實採收期的重要害蟲。本文以芒果不同生育期 (抽梢期、花期與結果期) 的害蟲發生種類作為論述主軸,提出現行適用於各類重要害蟲的監測方法與施用技術,並根據害蟲發生生態與危害特性,提出適用的防治方法 (化學防治、物理防治與耕作防治等)。藉由以上方式,在正確的防治時機,建立適地適用的蟲害整合管理技術,為我國芒果產業奠定安全生產與品質優良的基礎,建立兼顧產業發展、環境與食品安全的可持續性芒果產業。 Integrated pest management was developed based on detailed studies on the biology and ecology of the major pests and their natural enemies. In this article, an analysis of the massive information available on the major pests of mango in Taiwan was presented. The major pests include mango red spider mite (Oligonychus mangjferus (Rahman & Sapra)), mango leaffioppers (Idioscopus nitidulus (Walker), L clypealis (Lethierry), and Amrasca biguttula (Ishida)), chilli thrip (Scirtothrips doiwalis Hood), mango psyllid (Microceropsylla nigra (Crawford)), citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri (Risso)), mango gall midge (Pmcontarinia mangicola (Shi)), mango shoot borer (Chiumetia transversa (Walker)), and oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)). The populations of the major pests of mango can be effectively controlled by proper use of diverse measures including detection and monitoring of insects, regular sanitation, pruning, pesticide application, balanced fertilization, and non-pesticide techniques. A highly efficient integrated pest management system will help farmers not only produce safer and higher quality fruits with competitive prices, but also establish a sustainable mango production